Friends of Kennedy’s Pond

Protecting and Restoring a Historic Pond in Concord, MA

We care for Kennedy’s Pond through outreach and restoration.

Friends of Kennedy’s Pond is a community organization dedicated to the care and conservation of Kennedy’s Pond, a historic pond located in Concord, Massachusetts. As an all-volunteer organization, we rely on the volunteer work of our members and the financial support of our donors to educate the community, comply with government regulations, and ensure a healthy, accessible pond.

Our Mission

We aim to restore Kennedy’s Pond, protect the natural beauty and wildlife, and enable the community to enjoy a variety of recreational activities, including fishing, kayaking, canoeing, birdwatching, nature photography, and ice skating.


Learn more about the vibrant history of Kennedy’s Pond - from its commercial use for ice harvesting to its past as a swimming spot at a children’s camp!